【同义词辨析】 2019-12-05 退缩recoil-quail

recoil: implies a start of a movement away prompted by shock, fear, or disgust: ~s at the sight of blood.

shrink: suggests an instinctive recoiling through sensitivities, scrupulousness, or cowardice: refused to ~ from responsibilities. cowardice胆怯语气比fear害怕重,因此shrink语气比recoil重   scrupulous审慎正直的;恪守道德规范的careful to be honest and do what is right,如he was scrupulous in all his business dealings他在一切商业交易中都是审慎正直的)

flinch: implies a failure to endure pain or to face something dangerous or frightening with resolution: faced her accusers without ~ling.  谐音

wince: suggests a slight involuntary physical recoiling from what pains, frightens, or disgusts: ~d when the new secretary called him by his first name.  

blench: implies fainthearted, fearful flinching: never ~ed even as his head was lowered on the guillotine. 3个f fainthearted胆小的胆怯的not confident, not taking strong actions, because being afraid of failing,如this is no time to be faint-hearted现在不是怯懦的时候,词组not for the faint-hearted表示不适合怯懦的人applies to something that is unusual or extreme, and is not suitable for people who like only safe and familiar things,如it's a film about a serial killer and not for the faint-hearted这部电影是讲连环杀手,不适合胆小的人看)    断头台

quail: suggests a shrinking and cowering in fear: ~ed at the fury of the storm.  cower畏惧suggests a display of abject fear before someone who threatens or domineers在危险或专横的人面前表现得畏惧可怜,如as an adult he still cowers before his father他虽已成年,在父亲面前仍然表现得畏缩

recoil后退避开: 指向后退,因害怕惊讶恶心,shrink退缩: 表示本能地后退,因胆怯敏感审慎,flinch退缩: 指未能坚强地忍受痛苦或面对危险,wince后退: 表示不自觉微微后退,因害怕痛苦恶心,blench畏缩: 指退缩时胆小畏惧 ,quail畏缩: 表示畏惧退缩

记忆方法: 1)首字母RSFWBQ不问人情是非<==退缩

         2)退缩的意思是后退,由于害怕厌恶mean to draw back in fear or distaste. RSFWBQ不问人情是非<==退缩